ACLUNAGA´s activities

Sectoral impact:

As a result of the collaboration between the multiple segments of activity that make up the naval sector in Galicia, together with the value generated by other agents such as the university and technology centres, ACLUNAGA carries out a series of projects that respond to the main challenges faced by the sector:

INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY: For the past 3 years, ACLUNAGA has developed an active role in promoting and advising their partners in the international market. Thus, in the last year, 17 international promotion actions have been carried out in the following countries: The Netherlands, Colombia, the United States, South Korea, Germany, Norway, Turkey, Poland, Peru, the United Kingdom, China, Russia and Mexico.

The Cluster has the contacts, experience and knowledge within the international market to to draw up professional agendas for their associates in the most competitive and direct way according to the objective of the business mission. Establishing contact with the right people within the most prestigious shipyards of the country that want to be visited, the same happens with the Auxiliary Industry and at an institutional level

LIST OF GALICIAN SUPPLIERS BY COMPONENT: In line with the strategy of international commercial promotion, ACLUNAGA has developed the most complete list of Galician suppliers by sector of activity and type of component/service. This service is useful in the commercial development of companies by facilitating contact with potential clients

SECTORAL OBSERVATORY: A recurrent service elaborated by ACLUNAGA for the consultation of any party on the main statistics of the sector: indicators related to construction, operations, assets and economic impact, as well as market reports.
The Association is a strategic centre for information on the sector. The most relevant international reports on shipbuilding and ship repair are made available to its members. In addition to having at our disposal all the sectorial information that from SeaEurope is provided to us when being members. In these reports, for example, you can consult the forecasts on shipbuilding and ship repair that SeaEurope elaborates in 15 years or, also, the annual state of contracting and execution of all the shipyards at European and world-wide level

R&D PROJECTS ACLUNAGA facilitates the participation of its companies in innovation projects, assuming essential management activities for their implementation. For example, the MANUFACTUR4.0 project aims at effectively transferring new advanced and low-cost manufacturing technologies to the Naval-Metallurgical sector industry; or the OFFSHORE-CONTROL project for the development of control software to improve the operation of offshore and oceanographic vessels
The latter is developed with the line of subsidies that the Ministry allows to finance collaborative projects between at least two associated companies and the cluster as coordinator. Three projects of this type have been financed in the last three years, and the Cluster puts them out to internal competition in July of each year. It should be noted that not all intermediate bodies have access to this line of aid, only those considered by the Ministry to be innovative Business Groups.
In the last two years, Aclunaga, together with several associated companies, has benefited from the IGAPE "Awards and Grants for Industry 4.0 Pilot Projects", through which they have obtained funding to carry out R&D investment projects.

International Market: Trade Missions

In recent years, the Cluster is giving a lot of importance to the international promotion of its partner companies.
ACLUNAGA promotes the presence of its partners at international naval sector fairs, for example, in 2019 at SMM and SeaWork. At the same time, ACLUNAGA actively participates in Navalia, the international exhibition of the naval industry in Vigo, with the attendance of 25.000 professionals.
Since 2015, ACLUNAGA has organized 48 international promotion actions (trade missions and attendance at trade fairs in the sector) to the following countries, among others: the Netherlands, Colombia, the United States, China, Germany, Norway, Peru, Australia, Canada, Turkey, Greece, South Korea, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, Russia, the United Kingdom, etc.
These actions have been subsidized by the internationalization grants from IGAPE and the Chambers of Commerce.


In the last financial year ACLUNAGA has carried out 7 training courses for the companies of the Shipbuilding & Shiprepair Sector, subsidized by the Tripartite Foundation. Some of the contents have been: Project Management, International Taxation, ISO 45001:2018 Internal Audits, New ISO 45001:2018 Standard, Handling of Lifting Equipment and Hooker Operations, Risk Coverage: Analysis of Insurance Programs in the Naval Sector.
An agreement has been signed with Quirón Prevención to develop all the courses determined by the metal agreement and those described in the White Paper on the Naval Sector through bonuses from the Tripartite Foundation (carried out in the last year 9).


The Cluster organises various networking events and ad hoc information workshops availables to all members who wish to participate, in which members of the sector meet to share spaces, ideas and impressions.

GMT by Aclunaga: in the year 2018 a magazine began to be published that is available to all the associates and members of the Sector for the publication of their articles. GMT by Aclunaga seeks to be a point of exchange of technical and specialised information on current issues, projects and problems in the shipbuilding and repair sector. The magazine is distributed to more than 2,500 contacts, to both national and international, so it is another vehicle that is made available to make yourself known. In addition, it has the possibility of inserting advertising of the companies.

ACLUNAGA´s website also provides information on the companies that are part of the Cluster and their activities. All the companies are listed here according to their position in the value chain of the Sector, their products, their contact details and areas of activity.

In all international activities, an Business Catalogue is presented and handed out in English, with an advertising file for each of the companies (grouped in each of the different parts of the value chain) to the different organisations or private companies that are visited. This catalogue shows products, photographs, installations, certifications, capacities, etc.

Esta entrada tambión está disponible en: esEspañol (Spanish)